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Setting Up G.M.S.T.


Setting up the Go-Mode Tracker is easy. In each section you will enter in information, goals and data that specifically apply to you.


All sections (besides the calendar) that you will enter your own information into will have a pencil next to them.

Simply click on the pencil and enter whatever information is applicable to you then click “update”.



Mantra/Quote of the day:


Put any phrase or motivation quote that you like, change as often as you like.






Enter in whatever items you want to track, weight loss, money saved etc. are great examples for this section. Anything that you can quantify over time and want to keep track of. Once you put the item, put your current status and the goal you want to achieve.



Short-Term Goals:


Just like the tracker, enter in items you want to achieve in the short term, let’s say within the next 1-6 months or so. Put some thought into this and try to get items that will help lead you to your Long-Term goals, which will be listed in the next section.



Long-Term Goals:


Just like in the other, give it some thought and put down Long-Term goals that are important to you. These could be lifelong and career type goals or major things you want to accomplish. Buying a house, getting a degree, getting married, writing a book etc. are all good examples of Long-Term goals.



Past Accomplishments:


We all get down every now and then and may doubt our abilities or if we have what it takes to accomplish our goals and dreams etc. This section is designed to provide a daily reminder of times in the past when you have achieved something noteworthy, conquered a fear or made a big accomplishment. By seeing this when you have some doubts or uncertainty can help remind you of great stuff you have done in the past and give you motivation and confidence to press on, if you were able to do great stuff before, why wouldn’t you be able to do it again, right?.





This section is for you to put up photos and pictures of the things you want to achieve or acquire. If you want to lose weight, you can put a picture of someone with a body like you desire. If you want a house, you can put a picture of a house that you would like to have. Visualization is extremely powerful and seeing the things you desire over and over again will go a long way to having them become a part of your reality.



Recommended Material:


This section will be maintained by the Aministrators of the site who will put various websites, audios and videos they think may be if interest to you and other Go-Mode Tracker members. Feel free to click and explore any of the selections listed.

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